Stonnington Hard Waste

Stonnington Council provides residents with two free Area Wide collections per year. The next collection will commence in Autumn 2025.

You'll receive a brochure in the mail with the collection date for your street and the collection details.

You can find more information on your collection, including dates, by clicking on the button below.

Residents don't need to book a collection unless your property fits any of the below criteria.

You will need to book a hard waste collection if you:

  • are a business or non-residential property
  • don’t have much space outside your property to put hard waste
  • live in a large apartment building - contact your owners' corporation to book a collection for you
  • live on a main road

You can only make a booking during the usual autumn and spring hard waste collection times. The booking details will be made available about a month before the collection.

Make sure you book your hard waste collection before the cut-off date (Thursday, 10 April 2025).

Commercial and Multi Unit Development Bookings

No bookings will be taken until one month before the start of the collection. Do not place any waste out until your booking is confirmed.

Bookings close on the 10th of April 2025.



Once you've successfully submitted the form, you will have registered your address for a hard waste collection.
Collections will be scheduled after the April 10 cut off date.
You will receive an email approximately 10 days before your collection will take place.
Do not place any waste out, your email confirmation will advise when to place out the waste.

I have read and understood the commercial hard waste brochure

Not sure?

For any more information on any of our hard rubbish or waste collection services, or any of our other waste management services don’t hesitate to call us on:

03 9721 1915or contact us online.

Skip the queue and order one of our wide range of industrial bin and skips online